674 research outputs found

    Political thought of Al-Ghazali on Imamah: Debate between theocracy and democracy

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    Al-Ghazali is a Muslim scientist who masters almost all relevant Islamic scholarly disciplines. His analysis is so trenchant for every phenomenon that appears in society. The results of his thought are mostly applicable in several situations to Muslims. This study aims to uncover Al-Ghazali’s views about the concept of Islamic leadership. This study supports by looking at comments from figures about various forms of Al-Ghazali’s political thought. This study finds that Al-Ghazali’s political thought is theodemocracy, where the people must support the leadership under religion’s demands (Islam). Thus, Al-Ghazali did not replace one of the sects: Shi’a or Sunni, related to Islamic leadership, but he took to combine the two of them. Contribution: Al-Ghazali is a scholar who is a reference for Muslims until today, especially Sunnis. Muslims can consider Al-Ghazali’s thoughts on the concept of theo-democratic leadership. It is usable for Muslims who live in countries that adhere to democracy or Islamic countries who want to build a democratic system.

    Tadzkirah Model in Learning Islamic Religious Education

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    This article discusses the tadzkirah model in learning Islamic religious education. The purpose of this study is to determine the tadzkirah model that is implemented in the learning process of Islamic religious education. The approach used in this study uses library research or library research, by collecting various kinds of primary and secondary sources to support this research. Islamic education has been around since time immemorial and Rasulullah SAW has also taught directly to wives, friends and so on. In this era of industrial revolution 4.0, Islamic religious education must continue to be encouraged and not to fade, let alone confuse in the learning process. Therefore, the learning process must really be designed and designed to achieve a learning goal by applying the tadzkirah learning model. By using the tadzkirah learning model, it is hoped that learning for students both at school, at home or in other environments will help shape the child's personality so that it has the character and nature that has been given by Allah SWT since birth


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tentang pola dakwah dan komunikasi yang digunakan oleh Tarekat Haq Naqsyabandiyah (THN) dalam rangka membendung arus radikalisme di sosial media, yang belakangan ini banyak diperbincangkan di masyarakat, terutama masyarakat terdidik. Masalah dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada apa yang dilakukan oleh Tarekat Haq Naqsyabandiyah dalam menyikapi maraknya content-content radikal di sosial media. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa langkah yang ditempuh oleh Tarekat Haq Naqsyabandiyah untuk mengatasi persoalan ini, antara lain: 1) Menguatkan Halaqah Zikir; 2) Menguatkan pemahaman jama’ah terhadap ilmu ketarekatan melalui pembinaan keilmuan dan praktik ketarekatan; 3) Meperkuat dakwah face to face kepada jama’ah, pengurus Yayasan dan masyarakat umum

    The Role Of Islamic Education Teachers In Increasing Social Awareness And Environmental Awareness In The Young Generation

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    Purpose this article discusses the important role of Islamic religious education teachers in increasing social awareness and environmental awareness in the younger generation. Islamic religious education has a strategic role in shaping students' character and morals, including awareness of social and environmental issues. Teachers of Islamic religious education have the responsibility to integrate religious values with social and environmental issues in the learning process. This type of research is literature research. Data collection by observation and documentation. The result of this study is the existence of Islamic values that include ethics and social responsibility towards the environment. Teachers are also expected to be exemplary examples of practicing these values in everyday life. Through creative and interactive teaching strategies, teachers can help students understand the importance of caring for fellow humans and the environment and their role as agents of change.   Keywords: Teacher, Islamic Education, Social, Environmental Concer

    Guru pembelajar modul paket keahlian akuntansi SMK kelompok kompetensi C: pelaporan keuangan perusahaan dagang, pengembangan kurikulum

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    Modul Guru Pembelajar Paket Keahlian Akuntansi SMK ini terdiri atas 2 materi pokok, yaitu : materi profesional dan materi pedagogik. Masing-masing materi dilengkapi dengan tujuan, indikator pencapaian kompetensi, uraian materi, aktivitas pembelajaran, latihan dan kasus, rangkuman, umpan balik dan tindak lanjut, kunci jawaban serta evaluasi pembelajaran


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    Divorce is not a planned thing, because divorce can happen to anyone, anytime and anywhere. One of them is in Kalitidu sub-district, there are quite a lot of divorces. Divorce does not look at rank and position, even professions that experience various kinds of divorce, some from the police, the PNS, officials, laborers, farmers, traders and others. When a husband and wife decide to divorce, it will actually have an impact on the husband and wife and it will also affect their children. That the divorce rate in Kalitidu district is quite concerning. It can be seen that many women have the status of widows and men have the status of widowers. Their status occurs because they are not left dead, but they are still alive and then to break and end the sacred bond of marriage. With the divorce in the sub-district, the victims besides the household also have an impact on their children, both psychologically, mentally, socially and even spiritually. This type of research is a qualitative research. In collecting data using observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. Divorce in Kalitidu sub-district is due to economic factors, infidelity, violence, bad communication, moral factors, and age. The main order is the divorce factor caused by the economy. And the lowest factor is the age factor. And the effect and influence on the child is that there are several indicators that the child does not have. However, in fact, the existence of this divorce is that the spiritual intelligence of the child is also not too decreased, because most of them enter into the pesantren as a whole


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    Characteristic of leadership in the world of education is the attitude of a leader in influencing, moving, motivating, and directing others in the implementation of education. so that managed education can run well and in accordance with the expectations that have been planned. This type of research is qualitative. Sources of data are taken by using primary and secondary data sources. The data analysis techniques are in accordance with the theory of Max Huberman, namely data condensation, data display, data reduction, and conclusions. The results of this study are that every principal leader must have the characteristics to have a positive impact on attitudes and every policy he will take. There are several characteristics possessed by the principal at MI Fattahul Huda Pungpungan, namely fairness and honesty, the ability to foster cooperation and solidarity, intelligence, able to have motivation and desire to achieve, wise in dealing with problems with broad views, and authoritative and firm


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    Abstract: this article analyzes Islamic radicalism in Indonesian Islamic universities. From time to time, there is always a radical group in the campus, either extreme left or extreme right. One of the causes is the conversion from an institution that merely focuses on Islamic studies to become a university that also teaches exact and social sciences. By this conversion, many students graduating from general high schools enter Islamic universities. They soon found the passion of learning Islam by joining Islamic study groups which are not supervised by the campus authority. Some of those study groups have tendency to radicalism which for students become their freedom to express their religious thirst. From the perspective of Islamic political concept, Islamic radicalism is contradictory to the concept of jihad. No single verse of the Holy Qur’an on the issue of jihad legalizes war and violence to resolve disagreement. In contrast, the concept of jihad is clearly intended to improve devotion to God almighty, using the ritual and social involvement.Keywords: Islamic radicalism, Islamic university Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji tentang radikalisme Islam di Perguruan Tinggi melalui perspektif politik Islam. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan komparasi, yaitu membandingkan radikalisme Islam yang terjadi pada era modern dengan radikalisme pada era klasik. Maraknya gerakan radikalisme Islam di kalangan kaum muda Islam sejak beberapa tahun terakhir ini menarik perhatian besar dari khalayak luas. Perguruan tinggi merupakan wadah bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki banyak keanekaragaman potensi yang dimiliki setiap perorangannya. Radikalisme menginfiltrasi kalangan akademisi di berbagai perguruan tinggi. Dari masa ke masa di lingkungan kampus hampir selalu ada kelompok radikal, baik ekstrem kanan maupun ekstrem kiri. Perilaku radikalisme dalam Islam, umumnya terjadi berkaitan dengan persoalan politik saat dan pasca kekuasaan Ali bin Abi Thalib. Sebutlah sebuah aliran dalam Islam, yaitu Khawarij adalah contoh aliran kalam yang paling terkenal dengan fahamnya yang radikal, dan tidak kenal kompromi. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan tindakan kekerasan dalam mencapai tujuannya, yaitu diantaranya melakukan pembunuhan terhadap sahabat nabi pasca Perjanjian atau Tahkim (arbitrase) yang dianggap telah menyeleweng dari ajaran Tuhan. Dapat diketahui bahwa cikal bakal lahirnya aliran atau kelompok maupun organisasi Islam radikal kontemporer, adalah bersumber dari sejarah Islam itu sendiri, yang mulanya dipelopori oleh kelompok Khawarij. Oleh karena itu, satu hal yang penting dilakukan oleh para ulama, guru agama di sekolah, kiai di pondok pesantren, dan para dosen agama di perguruan tinggi, sangat penting untuk menjelaskan tentang pengertian konsep jihad dalam Islam yang sebenarnya. Selain itu, umat Islam juga harus merevitalisasi dan meletakkan divinitas dan universalitas keimanan dan syariahnya dalam konteks sosial, budaya, ekonomi, dan politik. Dengan demikian, tidak benar bahwa Islam adalah agama kekerasan dan agama radikal. Pandangan dan tindakan radikal atas nama Tuhan dalam Islam sangat bertolak belakang dengan konsep rahmatan li al-‘alamin. Kata Kunci: Radikalisme Islam, Perguruan Tinggi, Mutakallimi

    The implementation of Mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension

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    Reading is one of the important skills which should be mastered by students. At the same time, the students have difficulties learning a foreign language. Also, it is believed that every student has a different capacity for learning a foreign language. Therefore, this research aims to find out whether there is a significant difference in students’ reading ability after the implementation of mind mapping in learning reading comprehension and to find out the difficulties of students in learning reading comprehension through mind mapping as the media. In collecting the data the researcher used a reading comprehension test and interview, and the data were analyzed using SPSS program.The result of this research showed that the students’ scores have increased and the T-test revealed that the results are significant; t (two-sided p ) =001 at a significance level of 0.05 (p=001, p0.05). The data shows that the degree of freedom is 27, the t-value is 6.091 and the t-table is 2.051 with a significance level of 5%, which means the T-Value is higher. It can be concluded that there is a significance improvement between pre-test scores and post-test scores of students’ reading comprehension ability after implementation of the mind mapping technique in teaching reading comprehension

    Peran Kepala Madrasah sebagai Educator, Motivator, Inovator dan Supervisor untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru Pai

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    Kepala Madrasah merupakan orang yang memiliki tenaga fungsional guru yang bertugas sebagai pemimpin dilembaga pendidikan, yang menyelenggarakan sebuah kegiatan belajar mengajar sehingga terjadinya interaksi antara seorang murid dan guru. Akan tetapi, kepala madrasah masih belum melaksanakn tugasnya dengan baik. Apabila Madrasah ingin mencapai tujuan yang direncanakan, seorang kepala madrasah harus menciptakan dan menjadikan guru sebagai guru yang professional serta bertanggungjawab atas pembelajaran. Dengan adanya guru yang professional, dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar akan menjadi mudah, efektif dan efisien serta memiliki output yang luar biasa baik segi ilmu umum maupun ilmu agama. Oleh karena itu, maka madrasah membutuhkan guru PAI yang berkualitas dan professional. Karena dengan adanya guru yang professional akan menjadikan madrasahan lebih disiplin. Oleh sebab itu, seorang kepala madrasah sebagai educator, motivator, innovator dan supervisor dalam lembaga pendidikan dituntut untuk memfasilitasi dan mengambangkan serta melengkapi kebutuhan agar menjadi guru yang profesional
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